Membership Structure & Benefits
Category 1
Classification - Manufacturers
- Right to Attend and to vote at DMR Association Members Meeting
- Right to Attend and to vote at the Marketing Working Group Meetings
- Right to Attend and to vote at the Technical Working Group Meetings
- IOP Certification
- Listing on the DMR Association Website
- Access to “Members” restricted area of the DMR Association Website
- Minutes of DMR Association Members Meeting and more
Category 3
Clasification - Users, Regulators and Operators
Membership Fee - None
- Right to Attend at DMR Association Members Meeting
- Access to DMR Equipment IOP Certificates
- Listing on the DMR Association Website
Category 2
Clasification - Application Developers, System Integrators, Distributors, Test Equipment Manufacturers and Test Houses.
- Right to Attend and to vote at DMR Association Members Meeting
- Right to Attend the “Developer Sessions” only of TWG Meetings
- Listing on the DMR Association Website
- Access to “Members” restricted area of the DMR Association Website
- Access to DMR Equipment IOP Certificates
General Membership Benefits (not level specific)
- Use of the DMR Logo
The Mark (Logo) is owned by the DMR Association and may be used only by its members. The use of the Mark is subject to the rules, which have at any time been set by the General Assembly. Breach of these rules may lead to repeal of the right to use the Mark.
Report misuse of the logo